Have anymore dirt on Carla?
Add me on Stardoll. My newly created account is: Hacker.Alert1

You can also e-mail me at: exampleperson2010@hotmail.com


“I am a Stardoll Administrator/Employee” Hack - June 26 2010

I get loads of people on Stardoll claiming they are a Stardoll Administrator and how they can give me $1000′s stardollars and 10,000 starpoints in 1 day.
Now this girl is just amazingly stupid, just read our conversation:
I didn’t want to add the start of the conversation because it’s just small talk:
How are you?
Good thanks, you?
Just to make things clear, she started the conversation first
Her Presentation:
If the pictures are too small Ctrl and +  it should enlarge everything
Too scroll out- Ctrl and -
I couldn’t stop laughing through our whole entire converstaion.
Keira-V as your aunt? Being a Stardoll Admin? Presentation?
Does she think I’m three?
Just because she has “I’m an Administrator” on her presentation doesn’t mean she is one. Anyone can do that . .
She claimed that I could log into Keira-V’s account and give her a makeover and that she was her aunt. If Keira-V was her aunt then why isn’t she on her best friends list? Even her cousin is on her best friend list, why isn’t she?
The 3 accounts that she gave me, I have no idea how she found them. I’m sure Loopyxxloo and Jlsaregreatxclx are her spare accounts. How do I know this? Looking at their presentations:
You can totally tell this girl is a hacker because of Loopyxxloo’s club
I’m not sure about the other account, as it has no mention of this “Carla” or any hacking of any sort. It’s probably some stranger’s account or her actual main account in which she makes no mention of her spare accounts although their not on each other’s friends list.
The worst thing about this hacker is she keeps on trying different ways to get into my account. First she asks me for a makeover, then she offers me other accounts so that I will trust her then she decides she wants to exchange accounts!
Now I know I’m switching topic slightly but I went and checked the website on Loopyxxloo’s presentation
and there is actually a website called stardollcodes.com
Now I’ve created an account on this ludicrous website to warn people.
But I typed MissCarla90990 (the hacker) on to google and she’s actually posted a lot on this website
Now some new users will fall for the Keira-V trick but this isn’t true.
If your new to Stardoll your probably can’t believe some person has over 10,000 starpoints but I’ve actually seen this girl gradually gain starpoints over time. You may wonder how she does it but I’m sure since the starpoint system came out (when I first joined Stardoll in 2006 there was no starpoint system) she has got her maximum 12 starpoints a day ever since.
It’s sad that people fall for this stupid hack
Clearly this poor Carla girl hasn’t got a clue
Also thesuiteluver that she mentioned in our conversation is also her:
Making someone else pay for your codes?
That’s just cruel
Please don’t try that phone number! It’s probably invalid now but just don’t!

Courtesy of  lel1996stardollblog.wordpress.com


  1. Omg... that callie.stardoll club thing is just pathetic. So is she.

  2. At the beginning of the post where you are talking with her on chat, she says you can't change your Stardoll name. Thats not true. You sorta can. If someone reports you for your name, Stardoll lets you change it. One of my friends was telling me about that on Stardoll.

    Plus Carla is 100% hacker. I left her two nice messages in her guestbook :)

  3. If it was really Callie's email then it would be Callie.Stardoll@Stardoll.com? not yahoo. Carla should grow up and leave everyone alone. Carla probably won't even bother with me because not being superstar luckily so I am ready 100% to help clear Lel's name and help get her off stardoll.
